Our Concept


Preventive, Functional, and Integrative Medicine 

Anticipating the consequences of physical and psycho-emotional changes throughout life is a legitimate quest regardless of age. In this regard, the (W)Health Mediation® concept aims to mitigate the effects of the aging process, taking into account a range of factors.

Patients’ daily recognition and awareness of their physiological and emotional changes greatly facilitates this process. The concepts of Vitality, Potentiality, and Optimization are at the core of our approach.

The personalized mobilization of each patient’s resources, combined with the use of coordinated therapeutic methods (Integrative Medicine = the best of allopathic and/or natural medicine), allows us to achieve this objective.

The five pillars determining the status of your health



  • Mitochondrial dysregulations (cellular respiratory unit)
  • Excessive energy production, stagnation, or insufficiency
  • Organs and viscera


Lifestyle and stress factors based on socio-professional, familial, cultural, intellectual, spiritual, and philosophical criteria.



Consideration of harmful environmental factors of all kinds (pollutants, chemicals, mycotoxins, radiation, nanoparticles).



  • Biochemical, neuroendocrine, hormonal, immune, genetic, microbiota (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic), autonomic nervous system
  • Nutritional, physical activity, fasting


  • Musculoskeletal system, viscera, overall tissue,
  • Vascular and nervous systems, fascia

Health status

The status of one’s health is defined as the sum of constant readjustments in imbalances (billions of pieces of information every second.


Our body operates within a self-regulating, self-compensating system. Life is synthetically defined by Movement. Any loss of mobility is instantly regulated and compensated by a series of complex mechanisms.


Any imbalance (whether internal or external) of one of the pillars of health will influence the others (communicating vessels) and can negatively impact the balance and proper functioning of these.


The optimal functioning of each of the pillars mitigates these variables.

Identifying dysfunctional pillars

Determining which of the pillars is dysfunctional within a patient allows us to understand the dysfunctional interactions taking place and propose a coherent therapeutic strategy to readjsut these. 

Investigation criteria

Medical history

Observation and clarification of the patient’s medical history in reference to the five pillars, especially relating to any specific concerns raised by the patient.

Clinical examination

Observation, palpation, auscultation, movement tests, neurological tests, vascular tests

Complementary examinations

Radiological imaging, laboratory tests, functional tests

Steps to communicating our findings

Analyze and synthesize all the data among specialists.

Define the most appropriate therapeutic strategy, in accordance with the patient's wishes


Share, explain, and obtain informed consent from patients


Intervene on the prioritized dysfunctional pillar(s).


  • Improve, to the extent possible, patients’ compliance with regard to various environmental disturbances
  • Raise awareness through workshops, seminars and the exchange of authenticated information


  • Targeted nutrition, micronutrition, microbiota, neuroendocrine regulations
  • Imbalances in elements, vitamins, enzymes
  • Bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic dysbiosis


  • Acupuncture, Mindfulness, QiGong, Self-hypnosis, Yoga


  • Manual medicine, neuro-reflex therapies, dynamic posturology


  • Psychological or psychotherapeutic support to enable patients to mobilize their own resources and initiate a process of resilience
  • Psychotherapy, hypnosis, role-playing, family and couples therapy, mediation

Is the (W)Health Mediation® concept for me?

The (W)Health Mediation® concept is based on the application of a bio-psycho-social model underpinned by environmental factors. It applies to every patient, regardless of age.

The identification and modulation of functional disorders by a multidisciplinary team such as RISA, prior to the development of potential pathologies, provide patients with the essential tools to identify and sustain a state of health as close as possible to their inherent potential.

woman standing in green field